Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Information Technology

Today what we are? where we are? what we are doing? what we will do all depends on Information Technology. Because of  IT the world is transforming in to a Global village. Due to the expansion of IT our every activities are being easier then previous. For politics, education, economy, development and social development IT is compulsory. Without IT we can not imagine our circumstances, it is already our part of life. Due to the new invention on this sector it is becoming more and more prosperous. Directly or indirectly no one is beyond the access of  IT. It has both positive and negative aspect, if we use IT as per our necessary it brings positive changes, makes our daily life easier as per our expectation. But if we use IT unnecessarily it destroys our whole life. It leads our life to destruction and misery. So that we need to utilize it as per our necessary.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tips for Syntactic Ability For Section Officer

Condition                   If-clause                        Main -clause
Type 1 
(Cause and Effect):-   If +Present (V1/V5)     future (shall/will+V1)
                                                                       can/may/must+V1,  Imperative (V1)
Type 2 
(Possible):-                If+ Past (V2)               could/might/should/would+ V1
Type 3 
(Impossible):-       If + Past Perfect (had+V3) could/might/should/would+have+Past Participle(V3)
Examples of the Conditionals:-
Type 1 < If he cries, I shall hit him./ If you buy a car, drive carefully./If tickets aren't available, we can't go to the cinema>

Type 2 <If you called me, I would see you./If I had money, I might buy a watch>

Type 3 <If you had called me, I would have arrived./If it had rained, I should have stayed at home.>

Other more examples of conditionals:-
If you are my real friend, you will help me in need.(help / will help / helped)
If Sony lost her bag, she would not go to school. (lost / had lost / have lost)
If you had broken the glass, you would have been punished.(would be punished / would have been punished / will punished)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Demerits of Cast based Discrimination

Historically Nepal is a Hindu religious county. Though it is multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-geopraphical country, Hindu religion in the dominant religion. From the very ancient time especially after the kingship of Jaya Prakash Malla, caste based discrimination was legalized. Before that period discrimination was existed in the country but not legalized. By intentionally State prohibited so called lower cast people to the mainstream of society and nation. According to the Hindu philosophy Brahmin, Chhetri, Vaishya and Sudras are the Four Caste and thirty six Varna. On the basis of this category so called lower caste people kept on the bottom of society. Finally this discrimination bring out inequality in the society. Huge part of the population is left back from of perspective of development, economic, political, cultural, health, education and other aspect of the development. Due to the reason of discrimination the society is being back.

Why Social Change is need?

Social change is the change of different sphere of society. To bring out change in the structure, behavior, culture, social norms and values of the society is the social change. Social change is the regular and unavoidable process. No one can stop changing process. Basically it depends of the society. Social change is affected by the education, economy, employment, political consciousness, development of technology, culture, internal and external environment, ecology, nature itself, and so one. In the ancient time society was existed on the stone age. Gradually people developed different instrument, rules and regulations, to drive their livelihood. There came concept of society and state. They started to settle together, they started to farming, producing necessary crop and other food. By the time they invent different technological goods. Society moved towards the modern society through different stage, like Slave age, Feudal age and right now we are in the stage of capitalism. Today our society is affected by the multiple aspects. It is globally connected, society is adopting different development approach.
Video orientation service for online earning or Virtual Online Earning is a new attempt to expand online job in the Nepal as well as all over  the world. It has different characteristics in the IT sector. Basically it teaches interested people through the video tutorial to inform people about the online job. Now a days most of people used to engage in the online network through their computer or mobile. Most of the peoples has been wasting their time only engaged on the social network. But instead of proper utilizing social media they turned towards the abuse of social media, so that to decrease abuse of social media VOX earning has bring this concept. If one entered in this site, he will be aware about the online job and will try to earn money through adaptation of online job. This is tiny attempt to generate thrust to the online holder people. Gradually they will try to learn more about online job. VOX will help those people to posting some of the reputed online working sites through this site. This site would be only director to the online job hunger. Rest of the things would be on the willingness of interested people. 

Kauli Pani Devi

Kauli Pani Devi is one of the most trusted religious place in this region. Peoples have faith on Kauli pani Devi very much. They supposed that Devi (Goddess)  help to fulfill their wishes as per their wanted. So that people used to offer Panchawali and Bhakal to Devi. On the occasion of Bada Dashain and other season people go there to worship. Devotee from most of the part of Lamjung come here bringing goat, cock and so on. In one hand it has religious importance. On the other hand this temple has not roof because Devi don't like roof of her temple. Along with the temple there is water source. This is permanent source of water. Naturally temple has locates in the peace area. We can see tall trees in the temple arena. After reaching there people used to feel really peaceful and heavenly stage. Unmarried male young Gurung boy are the priest of this temple. Married male people only helps to the priest but not free to worship. One interesting thing  is that no one is aloud to go inside the temple. If any one try to go inside the temple there comes storm and that storm hits badly all over the village. This temple is preserved by the Gurung and Newars.

Tourism in Gaunshahar

Tourist used to visit different places to take pleasure looking beautiful things and enjoying with the nature. Naturally Gaunshahar is located in the heavenly place. Culturally this is the inhabitant of  different caste. Historically it is one of the most important heritage of Nepal. Journalist Kishan Sangit said that - "Gaunshahar is an Hen to give golden egg". This extract proves that this may be the tourist destination. 
Tourist Attraction: 
Lamjung Darbar - This is very ancient palace of Nepal. It has its own history. 
Landscape of Lamjung Darbar (Palace) and Lamjung Kalika
Lamjung Kalika - Lamjung Kalika is very well known temple in this region. People have strong faith on this temple. They offer Panchabali to make true their wishes of different kinds. After gaining true of their wishes they come to worship Kalika Devi. Especially on the occasion of Bada Dashami and Chaite Dashain is the great celebration time. On that very occasion people used to offer male-buffalo, he-goat, duck, cock, pigeon, ship and so on. 
Lamjung Higher Secondary School: This is the first high school of Lamjung. From the established time to now it has crossed miles of its journey. It produced so many manpower from here, Doctors, Engineers, Lecturer, Administrator, Security personals, Teachers, Activist, Politicians, Foreign employer and others. 
Kauli Pani Devi: The most famous and trusted Devi in this region. 
Khorea Chaur
Nepal biggest Dalit Settlement